Si comme moi, vous avez des serveurs HP, vous allez pouvoir installer les HP tools...
Comme toujours on commence par copier le fichier .tgz télécharger chez HP sur le local datastore.
et on le décompresse normalement:
cela va créer une structure /hpmgmt/860/ qu'il faudra navigué et ensuite executer l'installation:
# ./ --install
HP Insight Manager Agent 8.6.0-11 Installer for VMware ESX
Target System is VMware ESX 4.1.0 build-348481
Server: ProLiant DL380 G5
This script will now attempt to set ESX Host in Maintenance Mode
for IM agents install.
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y
System is already in Maintenace mode.
Installing HP Insight Manager Agents bulletin [classic-mgmt-solution-860.11.0508]
/opt/hp/hp-agents-config /vmfs/volumes/System 02/hpmgmt/860
Si vous désirez installer la HP homepage, c'est ici que ca se passe:
should be enabled in the firewall.
Do you want to enable this port? <y/n> (default is y) y
Enabling port for hpim service (2381) in the firewall [ OK ]
For allowing discovery by HP System Insight Manager, the port (2301)
should be enabled in the firewall.
Do you want to enable this port? <y/n> (default is y) y
Enabling port for HP System Insight Manager (2301) in the firewall [ OK ]
For the Insight Manager agents to communicate properly with HP Systems Insight
Manager, the snmpd service should be enabled in the firewall.
Maintenant, nous allons configurer le SNMP:
Enabling snmpd service in the firewall [ OK ]
For adding the HP Systems Insight Manager Certificate in SMH, the port [280]
should be enabled in the firewall.
Do you want to enable this port? <y/n> (default is y) y
Enabling port for SIM Certificate in SMH [280] in the firewall [ OK ]
This configuration script will configure SNMP to integrate with the HP SIM and
the HP System Management Homepage by editting the snmpd.conf file. The HP-SNMP-Agents can also exist in a more secure
SNMP environment (e.g. VACM) that you have previously configured. See the
hp-snmp-agents(4) man page for specific details on how to configure the VACM entries
in the 'snmpd.conf' file. You may press <ctrl+c> now to exit now if needed.
Do you wish to use an existing snmpd.conf (y/n) (Blank is n):
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves. Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing <Ctrl-c> and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.
Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default):
Re-enter the same input to confirm:
ACCEPTED: inputs match!
Au cas ou vous auriez un doute, ou un trou de mémoire, vous pouvez préciser la valeur par défaut pour l'accès read/write : private
(one word, Blank to skip):
Re-enter the same input to confirm:
ACCEPTED: inputs match!
Vous pouvez préciser la valeur par défaut pour l'accès read : public. Bien sur ces deux valeurs peuvent être choisie selon vos envies ou besoin.
(Blank to skip):
Enter Read Only Authorized Management Station IP or DNS name
(Blank to skip):
Enter default SNMP trap community string
(One word; Blank to skip):
Enter SNMP trap destination IP or DNS name
(One word; Blank to skip):
The system contact is set to
syscontact Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)
Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n):
The system location is set to
syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n):
NOTE: New snmpd.conf entries were added to the top of /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
snmpd is started
[ OK ]
Stopping System Management Homepage: [ OK ]
Starting HP Insight Manager agents: [ OK ]
Starting System Management Homepage: [ OK ]
Stopping SNMP stack:
Stopping snmpd: [ OK ]
Starting SNMP stack:
Starting snmpd: [ OK ]
* System Management Homepage installed successfully with *
* default configuration values. To change the default *
* configuration values, type the following command at *
* the root prompt: *
* *
* /opt/hp/hpsmh/sbin/smhconfig *
* *
Please read the License Agreement for this software at
By not removing this package, you are accepting the terms
of the "License for HP Value Added Software".
HP Insight Manager agents have been configured successfully!
/vmfs/volumes/System 02/hpmgmt/860
HP SNMP agents are installed and configured
Reboot the system to make the changes effective.
C'est ici qu'il faut passer par la reconfiguration du snmpd... sinon votre messages logs va etre flooder... (voir ce lien)
Vous pouvez également faire un clean de votre datastore:
# rm -f hpmgmt-8.6.0-vmware4x.tgz